"Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder."
- Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Oncologist-
Stuart, FL 34997
772-245-6515 info@asoundhealing.com
Treatment Methods
"Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder."
--Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Oncologist
What is Sound Healing?
Sound Healing is a natural treatment for health and wellness. It can be used alone or in complement to other treatment methods. Sound Healing helps the body do what it does best; heal itself by realigning on a cellular level.
Treatment methods include:
Vibroacoustics – The basis of all sound healing therapy is creating Consistent, Stable Vibrations/Frequencies to overcome Chaotic Vibrations physically, mentally, and emotionally (Cellular and Brainwave Entrainment.) When smooth consistent frequencies and music are played through the memory foam bed speakers (transducers), they are not only heard through the ear but also delivered in stereo massaging waves directly to the body vibrating every part inside and out: cells, muscles, tendons, organs, nerves, spinal cord, areas of the brain, brainstem, and more. All this while life-transforming music plays into your ears and brain creating profound blissful states. It all contributes to homeostasis — physically, mentally, emotionally, and even Spiritually. The experience can only be described as multi-dimensional. You must experience it to appreciate it! It has been called "Sound Healing on Steroids." It takes Sound Healing Therapy to the next level!
Click here to read more about vibroacoustic therapy.
Sound Immersion Therapy (Sound Bath) - The sounds and vibrations of over 50 world sound healing instruments such as quartz crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes, specialized drums, rattles, Freenotes, monochords, harps, and many more world sound healing instruments guide you into a deep meditation, rebalance, and tone the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
Clinical research shows the benefits are:
Pain Reduction
Stress Reduction
Cellular level changes restoring the body back to its healthy frequencies and homeostasis
Calms the entire nervous system
Boosts the Immune System triggering the natural healing mechanisms of the body
Drives energy from cell to cell, clearing blockages and stimulating neural pathways
Improves Sleep
Enhances nitric oxide (NO) production through active and passive acoustic stimulation of the nasal cavities and lungs by specific sound frequencies and music, resulting in a broad range of health benefits.
Nitric oxide production is essential for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.
Promotes pain mediation through stimulation of the body’s large A-beta fibers or A-alpha fibers in the area experiencing pain, thus causing the pain ‘gate’ to close. Also mediates pain by the ‘Descending Inhibition of Pain’ system, also referred to as the ‘top-down’ modulation of pain. Such effects can be initiated by music (or white noise) as a result of activating endogenous opioids.
The vagus nerve is stimulated via ‘sonopuncture’, particularly via the ears and voice, thus regulating internal organ functions, including digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate, as well as promoting vasomotor activity and anti-inflammatory effects. Specific very low (sub-audible) frequencies may also be applied by full-ear headphones, combined with music.
Increases the availability of oxygen binding to hemoglobin molecules by low-frequency sound pressure, thus breaking the pain-spasm-pain cycle or ‘splinting cycle’ by increasing the availability of oxygen to affected tissues.
Increases the availability of oxygen binding to hemoglobin molecules by low-frequency sound pressure, thus aiding tissue repair mechanisms.
Promotes stress reduction with a consequent reduction in blood pressure and cortisol levels, and induces a state of joy with a consequent increase in dopamine levels, leading to a proliferation of leukocytes, thus boosting immune system efficiency.
Stimulates the brain binaurally—by binaural beats—to create changes in brain state, with physiological benefits.
Stimulates cells that are ‘sleeping’ in the G0 phase, encouraging them to return to the normal cell cycle.
Heightens awareness
Improves clarity of mind
Enhances creativity
Evokes the Relaxation Response:
-Slowing heart rate
-Reducing oxygen consumption
-Lowering Blood Pressure
-Slowing respiration rate
-Relaxing muscles
-Changing brainwave frequencies, from beta to alpha and alpha to theta or delta.
-Clearing the mind from anxiety
-Creating a feeling of calm and inner peace
Chakra Balancing
Each chakra, or energy center in the body, is associated with a different frequency or note. Each of the crystal singing bowls is tuned to one of these corresponding chakra frequencies. You will be gently guided through releasing negative energy and balancing each chakra of your body.
Quartz crystal singing bowls have both the power and potential of quartz crystal and sound. We know through digital technology that quartz amplifies, transforms, stores, focuses, and transfers energy. While the bowls are being played you will relax on the sound bed with cymatic frequencies being played through your body. You will absorb the angelic sounds and vibrations of the bed and crystal bowls in every cell of your body. The sound of the bowls will entrain the brain to the alpha and theta brainwave states for optimum healing, balance, creativity, learning, and relaxed awareness. You will feel relaxed, clear, grounded, and balanced. Each chakra will be vibrating in perfect harmony with each other.
You will all experience a guided Chakra balancing meditation including a Sound Bath with over 50 world sound healing instruments during this beautiful Chakra Balancing session.
Sound Healing and Hypnosis
Available in private and group sessions.
This revolutionary therapeutic combination of Sound Healing and Hypnosis goes deeper and deeper through the layers of the physical, mental, spiritual, and energetic bodies. You feel euphoric peaceful, rejuvenated, calm, happy, and exhilarated all at the same time. Don’t miss this amazing experience.
This groundbreaking combination of Sound Therapy and Hypnosis is extremely powerful taking you into a state of multidimensional quantum healing. We have created an amazing new experience and healing modality. While you relax lying on the vibroacoustic sound bed with targeted frequencies chosen just for you, RN, Master Sound Healer, and Clinical Sound Therapist Barbara Spaulding takes you to a relaxed, peaceful, vibrational state, completely clearing your mind with over 50 world sound healing instruments. Mary Southworth Youngblood, Certified Hypnotist, Psychic/Medium, and Spiritual Guide then uses her hypnosis techniques to gently guide you into a trance state allowing you to go deep into your subconscious mind. From this trance state, she guides you through releasing and healing on a multidimensional level. She then leaves you in your happy relaxed place as the sounds of quartz crystal singing bowls and more instruments continue to transform your mind, body, and spirit into a state of transcendence. Peaceful chimes begin to bring you back into full consciousness as you are awakened back into the here and now, fully alert and feeling amazing!
“I feel rejuvenated and exhilarated. It works on all your bodies not just the physical. When you have a problem the physical is the last place it shows up. It works on moving things on all levels, layers, and layers.”
- Linda Mayer-
“A soulful massage with the binaural beats, vibration, and deep meditation. I kept going deeper with layers and layers, not just conscious but I could feel it happening moving things on so many levels.”
- David Rose-
Root Frequency/ Soul Note/ Home Note
Assessment and Sound Bed Treatment
“It is so nice to know where home is and to be able to get back to it whenever you like.
Music sets up a certain vibration,
which unquestionably results in a physical reaction.
Eventually, the proper vibration for every person will be found and utilized.”
-George Gershwin-
It has become generally researched and accepted that each person vibrates at their own soul/root/home frequency and when you resonate at this frequency all of your organs fall into alignment. When you are in your root frequency, your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems come into balance, and your whole being functions more harmoniously. You are more centered, grounded, and perfectly present. Did you ever wonder why you loved a certain sound or note? Why you felt drawn to it or calmed by it? Everyone has one that makes them feel peaceful and at home. It is so nice to know where home is and to be able to get back to it whenever you like. Find out yours and use it to feel great!
The most powerful way to get your frequency humming inside of you again is to get on a vibroacoustic sound bed. The vibration is so intense that it jump-starts your own frequency in a very powerful way.
Besides your root soul frequency there are a whole host of other frequencies vibrating within you:
– Body Resonances (particularly chest and head cavity resonance)
– Astrological Frequencies
– Chakra Frequencies
– Resonant Frequency of your Voice
– Frequencies of each Organ
– Frequencies of each gland within the Endocrine System
– Elements within each tissue
– Frequencies of each of the Subtle Bodies (Auras)
All of these other frequencies create a symphony of sounds within your system all based around your soul frequency!
The Soul/HomeNote/ Root Frequency is good for grounding, centering, finding your soul purpose, peace, stillness, spiritual awakening, and triggering your body’s natural healing response. It is also good to know this note/frequency if you are looking to purchase a sound healing instrument in the best key for you.
Or Call 772-245-6515 to schedule your custom session with
Barbara Spaulding RN, Clinical Sound Therapist.