Are you ready to experience a natural high?
More Wonderful Ways to Share With You! Just Imagine: Being able to experience pure bliss weekly or bi-weekly. Stress and anxiety melting...
Are You Harnessing the Energy of The Solar Eclipse and New Moon to Change Your Life?
The solar eclipse is about getting in touch with our true self, our soul. No longer burying our inner light in darkness. Allowing our...
Why Use a Trained Sound Therapist?
Why is it Important to Have a Trained Sound Therapist? Recently I have noticed many healers calling themselves Sound Healers....
Sound Healing Science, The Earth's Pulse
Why do you feel so good when you are out in nature? In 1953, Professor Schumann of the University of Munich, was teaching his students...
Fun Sound Healing Science
In physics, the Law of Sympathetic Resonance states that a stronger more consistent frequency, or vibration, will cause a weaker, less...
Vibroacoustic Therapy – What it Does For the Body
Research from many hospitals and universities has proven the stress reduction benefits of listening to relaxing music. When using a sound...